“Ascent” is a powerful and evocative musical journey crafted by the collaboration of Ateris, Astronaut Ape, and Laniakeia. This track delves deep into the themes of self-development, the quest for enlightenment, and the transformative processes of inner growth.
The first part of the track encapsulates a life of stability and routine, evoking a sense of comfort and familiarity with subtle hints of impending change. Featuring the ethereal voice of Laniakeia, it portrays a state where the true self or soul remains dormant, nestled within the comfort zone.
As the music progresses, we enter a transitional period. The true self or soul begins to stir, awakening from its slumber. This phase is marked by a profound realization of one’s existence beyond the confines of mere personality. It is an acknowledgment of a greater purpose and potential.
The final segment of “Ascent” is a powerful surge towards the light. As the true self or soul becomes fully aware and energized, there is a sensation of wings unfurling, and the journey upwards begins. This awakening is beautifully enhanced by the live guitar of Ateris, adding depth and emotion. The music soars, capturing the essence of rising higher and higher, embodying the ascent towards enlightenment and self-actualization.
“Ascent” beautifully weaves together electronic soundscapes and live instrumentation to create a narrative of profound inner transformation, guiding the listener through an immersive experience of growth and awakening.
Listen now and elevate your consciousness!
Written & produced by:
Ateris – Ivan Evsykhin
Astronaut Ape – Oleg Belousov
Laniakeia – Sofiya Sagal
Astropilot Studio
Cover art:
Ivan Evsykhin & Oleg Belousov & Stable Diffusion